Magnesium is an essential nutrient for plants, playing a crucial role in their growth and health. Although it makes up about 2% of the Earth’s crust, magnesium is usually found in a bound form in minerals and seawater. This nutrient is vital for numerous physiological and biochemical processes in plants. In this blog post, we’ll explore the functions of magnesium, how to recognize magnesium deficiency symptoms, the causes of such deficiencies, and how to address them effectively.

Tomato plant showing mild magnesium deficiency
Tomato plant showing mild magnesium deficiency

Functions of Magnesium

Magnesium is a key player in plant health considered a secondary macronutrient. As we have already mentioned, this element has a number of important functions for the plant, we will highlight some of them:

1. Chlorophyll Production: Magnesium is a core component of chlorophyll, the pigment that gives plants their green color and is crucial for photosynthesis.
2. Enzyme Activation: It acts as a cofactor for more than 300 enzymes, helping with various biochemical processes.
3. Protein Synthesis: A large portion of magnesium in leaf cells is associated with protein biosynthesis.
4. Transport and Utilization: Magnesium helps in the transportation and utilization of photo assimilates, aiding in energy transfer and nutrient movement within the plant.

How to Recognize the Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium deficiency can be difficult to identify, as the first symptom, an interveinal chlorosis where the leaf turns yellow between the veins, is shared by iron and nitrogen deficiency as well. The differences are that in iron deficiency, this chlorosis is centred on the younger leaves, and in magnesium deficiency on the older ones. To distinguish between nitrogen and magnesium deficiency, we must pay attention to the general state of the plant, and to the fact that the yellowing is usually more intense when there is a lack of nitrogen.

This yellowing of the leaves is due to a deficient production of chlorophyll, the pigment that gives the leaves their green colour. In the absence of key elements for chlorophyll production, such as magnesium, nitrogen and iron, chlorophyll levels are reduced, and the plant loses the green colour characteristic of a healthy plant. Here we talk about the other characteristics of a magnesium deficiency, and you can consult these blogs to learn more about nitrogen and iron deficiencies.


1. Interveinal Chlorosis: As we explained, one of the first and main signs of this deficiency is yellowing between the veins of older leaves while the veins themselves remain green.
2. Brown spots: As the deficiency progresses, older leaves become more yellow and may develop rusty-brown spots.
3. Healthy Young Leaves: Unlike other deficiencies, the younger leaves usually remain green and healthy until the deficiency becomes severe.
4. Stunted Growth and Chlorosis: In severe cases, even the young leaves can turn yellow, and overall plant growth may slow down.

Detail of a leaf showing severe chlorosis, with reddish-brown spots
Tomato plant showing mild magnesium deficiency

Magnesium deficiency is more common than other nutrient deficiencies especially when growing in sandy soils with low cation exchange capacity, because Mg2+ ions can be washed out by rainfall and irrigation. This situation can be aggravated if the soil is also acidic, as explained below.

Causes of Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium deficiency is more common than deficiency of other nutrients, especially on sandy, heavily weathered soils due to excessive leaching of the nutrient Mg. However, there are several factors that can lead to magnesium deficiency in plants, the main ones are:

1. Nutrient Imbalance: Excessive amounts of potassium, ammonium, or calcium can hinder magnesium uptake.
2. Soil Conditions: Highly weathered, acidic, and coarse soils often have low magnesium availability. Such soils are prone to leaching, especially in regions with high rainfall. Also, this deficiency is common in soils with low cation exchange capacity.
3. Temperature: Low substrate temperatures can slow down plant metabolism, reducing magnesium uptake by the roots.
4. Soil Composition: About 90-98% of soil magnesium is locked in mineral structures and not directly available to plants, leading to deficiencies.

How to Address Magnesium Deficiency

Fortunately, magnesium deficiency can be remedied relatively easily. Here’s what you can do:

1. Preventive Measures: Regularly add magnesium fertilizer to your nutrient water to prevent deficiencies.
2. Curative Measures: If deficiency symptoms appear, foliar application can quickly correct the deficiency.
3. Root Fertilization: Use magnesium- rich fertilised, like ATA CalMag, to supply through the root system a more sustained amount of magnesium.
4. Quality Plant Nutrition: Use high-quality plant nutrition products that provide balanced nutrients during both the growing and flowering phases.


Magnesium is crucial for maintaining healthy and productive plants. By understanding its functions, recognizing deficiency symptoms, and knowing how to address these deficiencies, you can ensure your plants remain green and thriving. For reliable and effective solutions to magnesium deficiency and other plant nutrition needs, consider using Atami products. Visit our website to explore our range of high-quality plant care solutions, learn more about other plant deficiencies and keep your garden flourishing!

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