It’s no secret that hydroponic growing provides highest yields, but still there are many growers who are reluctant to try it because of the widespread belief that it is more expensive and complex than growing in pots and water by hand. While this argument has a point, the advantages of this method of growing are many: hydroponic systems optimise nutrient solution, water usage, and plant growth, providing an efficient alternative to traditional soil-based systems. With precise control over nutrient delivery, water flow, and air circulation, hydroponics empowers growers to cultivate healthier plants and achieve superior yields.

Say goodbye to the misconception – hydroponics is not just for experts, it’s a viable and rewarding option for anyone! Find out how, and which Atami products can help you start your hydroponic growing in this article!

Some of Atami's products designed for hydroponic cultivation.
Some of Atami's products designed for hydroponic cultivation.

What are the benefits of hydroponic growing?

As we mentioned in the introduction, the first major benefit of growing in hydroponic systems is for your profit, as the crop yield will be higher. This is mainly due to three factors:

1. The plant’s roots are constantly in contact with the nutritious water but also with the air, which favours a good oxygenation of the roots. This results in rapid and well-formed root growth, which is key to optimal development and better production.

The roots of hydroponically grown plants are in direct contact with the nutrient solution.
The roots of hydroponically grown plants are in direct contact with the nutrient solution.

2. Faster growth in the vegetative phase when using hydroponic cultivation, this means having results in less time and letting you start a new growing soon again! In addition, growers will often experience a more consistent, predictable yield volume.


3. As an added benefit, most hydroponic setups allow more room for plants compared to soil-based grow systems. This means the hydro yield-boost isn’t just a matter of more growth; it’s also a matter of more plants!

This NFT hydroponic installation makes better use of space, achieving more plants in the same area.
This NFT hydroponic installation makes better use of space, achieving more plants in the same area.

And here are two additional advantages you may not have thought of: convenience and less pest problems!
By not using soil, firstly, you minimise the risk of soil-borne diseases and pests, and secondly, you free yourself (to a large extent) from the burden of transporting and handling many heavy bags of substrate.


Of course, you will still need a growing medium. The more typical hydroponic substrates, such as rockwool or clay pebbles, are substrates that are usually used in smaller quantities and being inert, can be reused several times, crop after crop, provided they are properly cleaned and disinfected.
Also, as hydroponic growing does not require individual hand watering, it will save you time and effort over hand watering.


More control for good or evil.

Total control of the environment could also be considered a benefit of hydroponic growing, but we do not include it above because for us it can also be a disadvantage. Creating the optimal conditions for high plant performance can be tricky, but once it is achieved and maintained, the results more than make up for it. And this consistency should be the goal to achieve when mastering hydroponic growing.

Measurement and control of EC and ph. It is advisable to monitor these values frequently to avoid nutrient blockages, overfertilization or deficiencies.
Measurement and control of EC and ph. It is advisable to monitor these values frequently to avoid nutrient blockages, overfertilization or deficiencies.

To begin with, precise control of parameters such as pH or EC is crucial. These parameters can be optimised to meet the specific needs of the plants at each growth stage, resulting in an optimal environment for plant development and increased productivity. If you are diligent about this, you will maximise the availability of nutrients to the plants, which will grow faster and give you a higher yield.


But also, can go the other way around…


Hydroponics is less resilient, i.e., if you are careless and make a mistake, the impact is much greater in hydroponics than in peat or coco.


Common mistakes that are easy to avoid when growing in hydroponics.

Sometimes problems can arise even in the most carefully cultivated hydroponic crops, but identifying and solving these problems early is essential to keep your crop in top condition! Some common problems are not controlling crop conditions, diseases, pests and nutritional imbalances.


To address these concerns, it’s best to daily monitor your plants and watch for any signs of disease or stress. Some easy tips to note in your checklist are:

  • Monitor that the growing conditions are correct: lighting, temperature, humidity, good aeration, enough CO2…
    When growing indoors and in controlled environments, maintaining stable and correct parameters is very important to achieve consistent results crop after crop. Check the needs of your crop, and if it has any special needs, take them into account!
Indoor hydroponic installation, with adequate lighting and ventilation to maintain optimal growing conditions.
Indoor hydroponic installation, with adequate lighting and ventilation to maintain optimal growing conditions.
  • Always check the pH and EC of your nutrient solution and if you detect problems and act immediately using case-specific solutions, like pH-down/pH-up solutions.


  • In the case of nutritional deficiencies, check the dose of fertiliser and the balance of the nutrients you are giving your plants and then, the watering regime. Probably you’ll need to adjust the dosage of your nutrients, add a complement, or just change the frequency.
  • Maintain good hygiene in your hydroponic system. Cleaning the reservoir and pump when changing water is crucial to keep pests and infections away. During cultivation, include products that help prevent clogging, such as ATA Clean and Atazyme to break down organic debris that can block the growing system.
    This will also extend the life of your hydroponic system!
ATA Clean and Atazyme will help to keep your hydroponic system cleaner for longer.
ATA Clean and Atazyme will help to keep your hydroponic system cleaner for longer.
  • Properly clean and disinfect the equipment between crops to prevent the spread of disease.


  • Regular water changes will help – a good frequency might be every one to two weeks.


As you can see, maintaining the right conditions and parameters, as well as good hygiene, are vital for successful hydroponic growing.


If after reading this you have been encouraged to try hydroponic growing, we offer you both specific nutrition solutions and easy to use hydroponic systems where you can achieve exceptional crops. Let us guide you through the range of products Atami offers you for hydroponic growing!


Harvest success in hydroponic growing: Atami’s comprehensive solutions

Ready to embark on the hydroponic growing journey? We’re here to guide you through our specialised nutrition solutions and easy-to-use hydroponic systems. Let’s explore the various products designed to elevate your hydroponic growing experience!

The products of the ATA range for hydroponic crops, Hydro Rokz and Wilma Systems, ideal for starting a hydroponic crop.
The products of the ATA range for hydroponic crops, Hydro Rokz and Wilma Systems, ideal for starting a hydroponic crop.

Wilma Grow Systems: Making hydroponics simple.

Enter the world of Wilma Grow Systems, a way to bring you closer to hydroponic growing and all its advantages in a simple and efficient way.

Wilma Grow Systems is a drip hydroponic system seamlessly powered by a water pump. This system ensures precise water delivery to pots through drip irrigation, then water drains efficiently into the reservoir, simplifying the cultivation process. With Wilma Grow Systems, we aim to demystify hydroponic growing, providing you with an easy and efficient way to take control of your crop’s parameters, ensuring even nutrient distribution and preventing deficiencies in any plant.

This Wilma cultivation system with four 11 L pots is practical and very stable, can be placed anywhere.
This Wilma cultivation system with four 11 L pots is practical and very stable, can be placed anywhere.

Liquid nutrition: Fertilising for hydroponics

Turning our attention to fertilisers, B’CUZZ HYDRO A&B stands out as the foundational solution for hydroponic systems. This base nutrient offers all the essential nutrients needed for robust plant development. Specifically crafted for hydroponic cultivation, B’cuzz Hydro A&B features a higher nutrient concentration to keep up with the rapid nutrient flush characteristic of hydroculture.

B’cuzz Hydro A&B are the perfect base nutrients for hydroponic growing. Together with the other products, they form a complete and highly productive nutrition regime.
B’cuzz Hydro A&B are the perfect base nutrients for hydroponic growing. Together with the other products, they form a complete and highly productive nutrition regime.

Moving to the ATA line, AWA LEAVES A&B steps in as a base fertiliser supplying primary NPK nutrients. Enriched with trace elements, this nutrient solution ensures comprehensive nutrition during the growth phase, with room for additional additives if desired. When the flowering phase comes in, AWA MAX A&B, is a great flowering fertiliser that delivers proportioned nutrients to support optimal flowering.

The ATA line for hydroponics is economical and beginner friendly. Add Bloombastic to boost flowering and you will have a very successful hydroponic crop.
The ATA line for hydroponics is economical and beginner friendly. Add Bloombastic to boost flowering and you will have a very successful hydroponic crop.

For those who want to unleash the full potential of their crop, we’ve thought of you too. All Atami stimulators and boosters are designed to be used in any growing medium, including hydroponics. So, you can enjoy your favourite flowering boosters, rooting boosters, etc. also in hydroponics.

Keeping your growing system and crops clean with ATA Clean and Atazyme.

Introducing ATA Clean, a cleaning product that ensures your irrigation system continues to perform at its best.


It prevents and cleans mineral-based scales, making it water-soluble again so that it is easily removed with the water feed. The substances in ATA Clean bind to the nutrients that build up and break down crystals and scales so that they are easily removed with the water supply. Although ATA Clean has a relatively high PK value in the bottle, it is not considered a fertiliser. Because the dosage is so low, the nutrients in the product have very little effect on the plant itself.


Atazyme, on the other hand, is an enzyme-based NPK-free soil improver. Its addition will help to break down old root material to prevent clogging of the system and also minimise the growth of bacteria and fungi.

ATA Clean and Atazyme are available in different formats to suit your needs.
ATA Clean and Atazyme are available in different formats to suit your needs.

Substrates: Foundations for hydroponic success

Talking about hydroponics, we can’t forget about substrates, and Atami offers two excellent options based on your preferences and the chosen hydroponic method. Hydro Rokz, composed of clay pebbles, serves as an anchor for plants in hydroponic systems. Though chemically inert with a neutral pH, it requires precision due to its minimal buffering capacity.


Alternatively, Hydro Rokz Cocos 60-40 presents a balanced blend of clay pebbles and coco coir, providing excellent drainage and increased water retention. This forgiving substrate maintains stable moisture levels in the root zone, making it ideal for cultivators seeking reliability.

Expanded clay alone, or with coco coir, depending on your preferences or needs, choose Hydro Rokz or Hydro Rokz Cocos 60-40.
Expanded clay alone, or with coco coir, depending on your preferences or needs, choose Hydro Rokz or Hydro Rokz Cocos 60-40.

If you want more information about our substrates, don’t forget to consult our guide reviewing which Atami substrate best suits your needs!


To sum up…
Hydroponics is proving to be a very advantageous technique with a multitude of benefits. Despite the potential challenges, such as the need to meticulously manage pH and EC levels, the benefits pay off!
Total control of crop parameters allows growers to establish the perfect conditions for their plants. What is the result? Healthier, more productive growth and significantly higher yields. Embrace the world of hydroponics with Atami, where precision meets simplicity, and extraordinary crops await… Happy growing!

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